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is focused on sales, marketing and technology consulting within the industry sectors of  Telecommunication,Tourism, Retail and Automotive . With headquarters in Thailand the 4G-concepts international team is delivering management consulting services, interim management, incentive travel and trainings to major industry players in Europe as well as in Asia and the Middle East.

4G-concepts main areas of Expertise are:

    * Set up of Sales and Marketing organisation BtoC and BtoB     
    * Temporary management of corporate divisions  
    * Sales and Marketing strategy
    * Organisation of Incentive travel for European Companies
      (specialiced in Thai Locations)
    * Rollout Management for Retail Store Chains
    * Relationship building for corporate players
    * Product and Service development for the
      Telecommunication and Tourism Industry 
    * Training and Coaching for management and field staff incl.
       full accomodation and travel service
    * Team building events

Interim Management - Management Consulting 
Trainings - Teambuilding and Incentive Travel